Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5200.16
End users at any level may generate a request for modifications to their SWIII systems and submit
them to their LCCB. LCCBs evaluate these requests, develop Engineering Change Proposals
(ECP) for Category A and B requests as well as Category C requests that equal or exceed ,000
in lifecycle costs, identify support requirements, and may approve Category C changes (less than
,000) to the Standard Microcomputer Infrastructure. MLCs may delegate LCCB authority in
writing to their ESUs. ESUs may not act as LCCBs unless authorized in writing by the MLC. A
Headquarters program manager whose enterprise-wide application or Mission Essential
Application (MEA) has already been approved by Commandant (G-SIA) may submit an ECP for a
change to that system directly to the SWIII. All other ECPs for Category A, B or qualifying C
changes must be submitted under signature of a LCCB.
Each LCCB shall determine the level of user involvement in the ECP and SLC development
process in accordance with their charter and local instructions. LCCB chair determines LCCB
membership. Permanent or ad hoc membership by end users is authorized. LCCBs must publish
their requirements and guidelines for evaluating user requests making them available to all LCCB
members and users. For Category A and B requests, the LCCB shall submit an ECP and a
completed SLC worksheet under a cover letter signed by the LCCB chair to the SWIII CCB. All
LCCB approvals of Category C requests must be in writing, include a completed SLC worksheet,
and be signed by the LCCB chair. These files shall be maintained by the LCCB and made
available to their chartering organization upon request. The charter governing each LCCB must
include the following text:
MEAs and enterprise applications are tested and certified only to the SWIII standard
baseline maintained by TISCOM. Locally approved modifications to the SWIII
standard baseline shall not be considered in the official certification process for these
MEAs and enterprise applications take precedence over any local requirement. In the
event that a locally approved modification to the SWIII standard baseline conflicts with
or in any way impacts the operation, support, or timetable for deployment of an MEA or
enterprise application, the LCCB shall return the affected SWIII systems to the standard
SWIII baseline.
Category A changes to the SWIII standard baseline require SWIII CCB approval.
Category B changes to the SWIII standard baseline require Program sponsor approval
and SWIII CCB approval as well as SWIII Application Certification Team (ACT)
The LCCB may authorize and implement Category C changes within its AOR provided
there is no removal or replacement of functionality within the SWIII standard baseline.
The LCCB may elect to enhance the SWIII standard baseline to meet validated CG
business requirements. Enhancements are in addition to, rather than in lieu of,
functionality provided by the SWIII standard baseline and must be IAW all applicable
Commandant Instructions. All LCCB approved changes to the SWIII standard baseline
must be recorded in the SWIII Knowledge Base.
The LCCB approving a Category C change or enhancement to the SWIII standard
baseline assumes total responsibility for any cost, support obligation, security risk,
performance degradation, and any other impact to the SWIII systems which result from
the change.
LCCBs may not approve or implement any system changes or enhancements that would
impact units outside their AOR. ECPs that affect units outside those indicated in the
LCCB's charter may only be approved by the SWIII CCB. ECPs that affect multiple
units where support would be provided by more than one LCCB must be sent to the
SWIII CCB via the responsible Headquarters Program Manager.