AFI91-206(I) 8 JULY 2004
3.5.2. A witness is free to give opinion or speculation.
3.5.3. NTSB and FAA participants are not normally privy to confidential witness interviews, unless
the senior member of the military board deems their expertise essential to the interview, and the ser-
vice safety center approves.
3.5.4. NTSB and FAA participants may not attend safety board deliberations, but may submit recom-
mended findings for the safety board's consideration.
3.5.5. Privileged documents (i.e., witness statements, records of board analysis, conclusions or rec-
ommendations) may not be provided to NTSB or FAA participants.
3.6. Press and Public Relations. Only personnel acting under their respective service directives may
release information on the progress or outcome of the military investigation.
3.7. NTSB and FAA Participation. NTSB and FAA representatives may be expected to provide broad
knowledge of their agencies and to support the investigative board with access to agency personnel for
interviews, topical information, and records.
3.7.1. NTSB and FAA representatives may be expected to pass information to their agencies which
applies to civil aviation.
3.7.2. FAA participants in a military safety investigation may not take part in another associated
investigation or enforcement action. This does not prevent the FAA from taking action on violations of Federal Aviation Reg-
ulations. Other FAA personnel would be appointed to gather evidence and prepare an action.
3.7.3. Copies of nonprivileged documents used in the military investigation may be provided to the
NTSB and FAA participants as the senior member sees fit.
3.8. Reports. A mishap safety investigation report may be released only as prescribed by the department
secretary having custody of the report.
3.8.1. If during the investigation, the board identifies a hazard which requires immediate action on the
part of civil aviation, the senior member will expeditiously report the hazard apart from its mishap
context to the service safety center for passage to the appropriate action agency.
3.8.2. An investigative board's conclusion attributing cause to another agency or recommendation of
corrective action by another agency may be released only by the military service headquarters.