population of 200,000 or more, and throughout carbon monoxide (CO) nonattainment
areas with a 1990 population of 200,000 or more. Enclosure (1) is a list of these areas
where the Coast Guard operates. States have the option to expand the requirements to
include other areas with air quality concerns. Each state can enforce its own
requirements against Coast Guard shore units and independently moored vessels.
Commanding Officers and officers in charge of the host units, independent shore
commands, or independently moored vessels located in a nonattainment area with a
local I/M program have the responsibility to comply with the requirements of that
program. Commanding Officers are encouraged to consult with the appropriate civil
engineering support staff for assistance in meeting I/M requirements. Enclosure (2)
provides some basic steps to follow in meeting these requirements.
Federal property owners may be required to prove compliance with this requirement to
state regulatory authorities upon request. Reference (a) requires many road vehicles that
operate on federal lands for more than 60 days per year, to comply with state/local I/M
programs. This includes privately-owned vehicles (POV), Coast Guard owned/leased
vehicles, and other government owned/leased fleet vehicles. Regulators are likely to
require documentation that vehicles entering Coast Guard shore units are inspected in
accordance with the state or local I/M program.
States are required by reference (a) to provide centralized test facilities in affected areas
and will need to know the number of POVs and government fleet vehicles that will
participate in their program. Many states are currently advertising contracts for
performing I/M testing. Several states have already begun requesting information
concerning the number and operational characteristics of vehicles on federal property.
States may charge fees for I/M testing and vehicle registration. Testing and registration
of CG owned vehicles will be funded from unit OE accounts. Payment of fees for
testing and registration of vehicles leased from the General Services Administration, if
necessary, will also be funded from unit OE accounts. Testing and registration of POVs
is the responsibility of the owner.
Commanding Officers and Officers in Charge of affected shore units and independently
moored vessels (except