MAR 6 1995
shall encourage personnel to identify and submit price challenges to the Navy Price
Challenge Office or Coast Guard SUPCEN as appropriate. Coast Guard active duty
members and civilian employees should take full advantage of the cash awards
offered by the Navy Price Challenge Office or the Coast Guard Idea Express
Commanding Officers of Coast Guard SUPCENs shall ensure that all price
challenges received are processed in a timely manner. Spare Parts Breakout
personnel shall investigate each challenge received and provide a written response to
the challenger explaining the results Of the investigation. If the challenge requires
more than 60 days to complete, Coast Guard SUPCENs shall provide a status update
to the challenger within 30 days of receipt of the challenge. Since the Navy Price
Challenge staff must often contact other staff agencies (DLA, GSA, Other Services)
they may take longer to respond to challenger inquiries. In addition, each SUPCEN
evaluating a price challenge that results in a cost savings shall forward a copy of the
completed evaluation to G-ELM with sufficient anticipated demand data to compute
the first year savings.
Upon receipt, Commandant (G-ELM) will complete an Idea Express Suggestion
Folder (CG-5516) in the name of the challenger, and submit to the Headquarters
Idea Express Suggestion Office for a recommended cash award equal to ten percent
of the first year savings. G-ELM shall also monitor the performance of each
SUPCEN in evaluating and responding to price challenges. Additionally, G-ELM-1
shall serve as the clearing house for any questions or problems concerning price
challenges sent to either the Navy Price Challenge Office or a Coast Guard
SUPCEN. Information or material on the Navy Price Challenge program, including
Suspected Overcharging Notification Forms and promotional posters, may be
obtained by contacting Commandant (G-ELM) at (202) 267-1407.
FORMS AVAILABILITY. The new Coast Guard Form, Suspected Overcharge
Notification Form, CG-5592, is available in Forms Plus Laser and may also be reproduced
locally by photocopying enclosure (1) as required.
E. J. Barrett
Chief, Office of Engineering,
Logistics and Development
Encl: (1)
Suspected Overcharge Notification Form, CG-5592
Guidance on Routing of Price Challenges