MAR 6 1997
limited degree of energy retrofit opportunities and technologies are generally available for
operational assets without major engineering redesign, however reemphasis of common
sense conservation practices, efficient scheduling, and innovative standard operating
procedures can contribute significantly to meeting the Coast Guard's energy reduction
Building and Cutter Temperature Policy. Thermostats shall be set to maintain
temperatures in accordance with current national standards as specified by the American
Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASH RAE) or by local
energy codes, whichever takes precedence. More specific guidelines will be developed
and published by Commandant (G-SEC).
Shore Facilities. Policy shall address metering, tracking of energy consumption and
review of consumption trends to assist in assessment of energy intensive buildings and
potential retrofit opportunities. Data capture should be prioritized for all shore facilities in
both absolute terms (e.g. British Thermal Units (BTUs) or Kilowatt-hours (KWHs) per
year) and in "normalized" terms (e.g. BTUs per square foot per year). Specific guidance
shall address procedures for units to coordinate appropriate shore facility energy support
for audits/projects. The Shore Facility Energy Manager can provide further assistance in
developing field energy management procedures.
Vehicle Operations. Except for those vehicles exempted under the provisions specified in
the Motor Vehicle Manual, COMDTINST M11240.9A, all motor vehicles acquired shall
be selected to achieve the maximum fuel efficiency directed by the Federal fleet plan, and
shall be limited to the body size, engine size, and operational equipment necessary to meet
basic requirements.
Leased Facilities. Without a specific waiver from the Coast Guard Shore Facility Energy
Manager, units shall not enter into leases for buildings with parties other than the General
Service Administration (GSA) unless one of the following criteria is met:
The energy consumption rate of the building in BTU/GSF/YR is less than or equal to
a rate which is 30% less than the consumption rate for the same type of building
which existed in 1985 in a similar climatic region, or
The building energy consumption rate is less than the energy budget targets for
energy consumption as directed in the Shore Facilities Energy Management Manual,
Audits. MLC/HQ units will ensure policy governing facility audits include a detailed
analysis of current utility rate structure to assess potential areas for rate modification and
billing reduction. A review of demand and ratchet charges is helpful in determining
applicable demand side management opportunities (e.g. peak shaving, load shifting) which
may be possible by operational or maintenance changes. This information is also