Engineering Logistics CONOP
Calculation of Allowances. Allowance calculation algorithms
for parts and consumables will determine both platform and
shore-based allowances and will account for mission criticality,
usage, configuration, delivery time, weight, volumne, area of
operations, and cost.
Allowance Funding. The cost of initial allowances will be
centrally funded. The authorizing organization will ensure that
funds are available before authorizing any change.
Measures of Effectiveness/Efficiency. Critical measures of
effectiveness, efficiency, predictability, etc., will be
established to allow the Logistics Advocate and others to
monitor logistics performance and make continuous improvement.
Life-Cycle-Based Decision Making. Trade-off, cost-benefit,
and value-added analytical techniques will be used to weigh
alternative design solutions.
Logistics Modeling Capability. Interactive logistics
business models will be used to analyze the performance of
logistics and do trade-off, "what if" and "target value"
analyses. The models will include the ability to "drill
down" through the integrated logistics information base to
analyze the variables contributing to results that diverge from
Financial Reporting. The logistics system will provide a
financial reporting capability to support (a) cost accounting and
inter-organizational charging/billing, and (b) management
accounting and cost benefit analysis.
Transaction Data. Requisitions work orders and other
logistics transactions will be automatically captured to feed
management accounting and cost accounting systems.
Equipment Monitoring. Equipment condition monitoring data
needed by the logistics system will be captured, where
practicable, through direct interface with systems.
Configuration Data. Configuration based data (including
technical information) will be recorded and maintained as a
single integrated set of information for acquiring and supporting
equipment and platforms. Information about the configuration
will start to be collected during requirements documentation and
continue to be used and maintained throughout the asset's life
Configuration Changes. There will be automatic notification
and tracking of pending, planned and approved configuration
changes, including implementation status to the component level.
Draft - 2/12/93