a. The requestor will ensure that the RPI/PR clearly specifies and delineates the perceived need, and
exceeds the local intelligence resources available.
b. RFI/PR requests should be singular in subject.
c. RFI/PRs will be entered into COLISEUM-SIPRNET on the Coast Guard Intelligence Support
System and will be forwarded electronically first through the Area Collection Production Managers
and if deemed necessary to ICC.
d. RFI/PRs must be stated in such a manner that the overall classification does not exceed the
Collateral Secret classification level. All RFI/PRs that must be classified above Collateral Secret
may be submitted to ICC via COLISEUM-SCI network or a message as a last resort.
7. RESPONSIBILITIES. COLISEUM is web-based and provides for on-line RFI registration, on-line user
registration, and on-line training.
a. General. Coast Guard intelligence personnel can register on-line per command policy. All users
should be knowledgeable with the provisions of reference (a), this Instruction and COLISEUM
b. Requestor. The requestor begins the process by identifying a perceived intelligence deficiency or
task pertinent to the command's mission.
(1) The requestor submits this requirement via COLISEUM SIPRNET.
(2) Prior coordination with the appropriate intelligence production center is encouraged.
(3) The requestor ensures that all required information is provided within the RFI/PR.