Encl (1) to COMDTINST 3574.5B
If the evaluee scores more than one "No Go" he/she will be re-evaluated with the next
sequential scenario group. Both scores must be recorded on form CG-3029.
If any evaluee scores more than two "No Gos" on any scenario group, the evaluee will be
required to get further training in the use of force policy before being allowed to attempt to
If an evaluee scores more than three "No Gos" on any scenario group, or fails to achieve a
passing score on two consecutive attempts, he/she may not be re-evaluated until the unit's
Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge has reviewed the evaluee's score and makes a
determination as to the evaluee's suitability to carry a personal defense weapon.
7. Documentation. Results of the testing will be reported on form CG-3029 as follows:
In the "JPC" column of block 8, record "P" (pass) or "F" (fail) in the "score" column along
with the letter of the scenario group used to test the evaluee. An example is included as
enclosure (3).
The technical printout from the Range 2000 system will be forwarded to the Commanding
Officer/Officer in Charge with the overall results of the evaluation. Commanding
Officers/Officers in Charge may use various data available in this printout (reaction time,
accuracy) in their decision to qualify the individual to carry a weapon.
File the CG-3029 and the technical printout in accordance with current directives.