13 JAN 1988
(cont'd) Requests for historical weather information, collected under this program,
shall be referred to the National Climatic Data Center.
Radio Dissemination. The Commandant supports a broadcast program which provides
weather information tailored to the marine environment, in both coastal and high seas areas.
Weather and other environmental information in areas of high danger and/or high boating
concentrations are particularly important. Scheduled marine information broadcasts will be
provided as directed in the Radio Frequency Plan, COMDTINST 2400.1D and may include
other marine information. Unscheduled special weather warnings - special, small craft, gale,
storm, and hurricane - will be broadcast immediately upon receipt from the National Weather
Service. Stations authorized by NWS to initiate visual weather warnings based upon local
observations shall also make unscheduled radio transmissions as prescribed in enclosure (4).
regional directors, will designate those Coast Guard facilities required to display coastal
warning signals. To provide for prompt reaction to hazardous conditions that are officially
observed but not yet forecasted, selected display stations have been authorized by the
National Weather Service to initiate visual advisories. Enclosure (5) provides instructions to
participating Coast Guard units.
Solicitations for Weather Information
On occasion, Coast Guard facilities receive direct requests for updated weather
forecasts. The recipient of the call shall respond in a courteous and helpful manner.
The caller should be advised that the Coast Guard does not prepare or issue weather
forecasts, and that the latest weather information may be obtained from NOAA
Weather Radio. The recipient of the call should offer to read the caller the latest NWS
forecast. Qualified forecasters at Coast Guard Air Stations may provide weather
forecasts to search and rescue and marine environmental response participants in cases
under Coast Guard control in which commercial or other government ships or aircraft
are actively involved (cf. Coast Guard Regulations M5000.3A, para 4-1-29 thru 4-1-
Coast Guard units may provide information regarding existing weather or sea
conditions. In supplying locally observed conditions the exact location, time and
source of the observation should be given. It should be clearly stated what weather
elements, if any, are estimated.