COMDTINST 3140.2D 3 DEC 1994
Category One: This category consists of all WAGB, WHEC, WMEC, and
WLB class cutters with a radioman assigned and which have radioteletype or
radiotelegraph capability.
Category Two: This category consists of cutters of other classes which may be
designated by area or district commanders to make weather reports.
Observations and Transmission of Reports.
All cutters shall make and report weather observations at least four (4) times daily at
0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 GMT when underway. Vessels in coastal waters (out to
about 100 miles) should make weather reports at three hourly intervals starting at 0000
GMT. Where possible all reports should be transmitted on the report hour, or a few
minutes before, to assure making the NWS computer model runs. Reporting times
may be altered at the discretion of the operational commander to meet mission
requirements or special requests of the Navy or the National Weather Service.
All cutters shall send weather reports by PRIORITY precedence message via
radioteletype or radiotelegraph. Radiotelephone shall be used only when teletype or
telegraph are not available. Weather reports may be sent in the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) ship synoptic code format (same as on NOAA Form 72-1A)
over the radiotelephone by pronouncing the numbers of the code phonetically. Radio
call sign should always precede the weather message, except when SPREP or STORM
prefixes are used (see pp. 1-9 and 1-10 of National Weather Service Observing
Handbook No. 1.) Reports shall not be transmitted when the commanding officer or
other authority determines that transmission may compromise a mission such as law
enforcement. However, it is important to resume reporting weather as soon as possible
with most recent observations taking precedence over older ones.
Category One cutters shall address weather observation messages to "OBS METEO
WASH DC". Vessels using Navy weather forecast (WEAX) or Optimum Track Ship
Routing (OTSR) services shall also include the servicing Naval Oceanography
Command Center as an action addressee in order to provide updated position and
weather input.
Category One cutters engaged in certain operations should conceal their position or
movements. In such cases, weather messages shall be sent "UNCLAS EFTO" to the
appropriate AIG only. The National Weather Service does not have a capability for
handling encrypted traffic. AIGs are as follows:
AIG 7608 - for ships operating in the North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian
Ocean and all areas south of 60 degrees South. This AIG includes: