COMDTINST 1900.8 30 NOV 1990
Administrative discharge prior to the completion of an obligated term of service is
discretionary with the Commandant, based on a judgment of the facts and circumstances
of the case. In order to be consistent, a request for classification as a conscientious
objector and relief from or restriction of military duties will be approved to the extent
practicable and equitable within the following limitations:
No member of the Coast Guard who possessed conscientious objection beliefs
before entering military service will be classified as a conscientious objector if:
The member's beliefs satisfied the requirements for classification as a
conscientious objector, as set forth in this Instruction, prior to entering
military service and the member failed to request classification as a
conscientious objector by the Selective Service System. The member
will be eligible for classification as a conscientious objector if such
beliefs crystallized after receipt of an induction notice but the member
could not request classification as a conscientious objector by the
Selective Service System because the Selective Service regulations
prohibit the submission of such requests after receipt of an induction
The member requested classification as a conscientious objector before
entering military service, and the request was denied on its merits by the
Selective Service System, and the member's request for classification as a
conscientious objector is based upon essentially the same grounds, or
supported by essentially the same evidence, as the request which was
previously denied by the Selective Service System.
Because of the personal and subjective nature of conscientious objection, the existence,
honesty and sincerity of asserted conscientious objection beliefs cannot be routinely
ascertained by applying inflexible objective standards and measurements on an "across-
the- board" basis. A request for discharge or assignment to noncombatant service based
on conscientious objection will, therefore, be handled on an individual basis with final
determination made by the Commandant (G-P) in accordance with the facts and
circumstances of the particular case and the policy and procedures in this Instruction.