Enclosure (13) to COMDTINST 1900.2A
Service Member Eligibility:
Transitional health care benefits are available in the military health system for the following
categories of service members honorably released from active duty on or after January 1, 2002:
A member who is involuntarily separated from active duty
A reserve component member who is separated from active duty and who was called up or
ordered in support of a contingency operation for an active duty period of more than 30 days
A member who is separated from active duty and is involuntarily retained in support of a
contingency operation
A member who is separated from active duty following a voluntary agreement to stay on
active duty for a period of less than one year in support of a contingency mission
If the THC eligible service member has served less than six years total active federal military
service, they receive the TRICARE benefit for 60 days after their separation date. If the service
member has served for six years or more total active federal military service, they receive the
TRICARE benefit for 120 days after their separation date. The THC program is available
through TRICARE military or civilian systems depending on the TRICARE program used.
Dental care is available through military dental clinics on a space available basis or through the
TRICARE Dental Program for eligible reserve members. Members may apply for Continued
Health Care Benefit Program coverage at the end of their THC eligibility period if needed.
Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP):
CHCBP provides a premium based conversion health plan, similar to TRICARE Standard, for 18
to 36 months (depending on beneficiary status) to former service members and their families,
some unremarried former spouses, and children who no longer qualify as dependents. Eligible
persons must enroll in CHCBP within 60 days after separation from active duty, loss of THC
coverage, or loss of TRICARE eligibility for dependents.