Enclosure (5) to COMDTINST 1900.2A
3. Servicemember must have completed a bachelor's degree to be eligible for teacher certification. Servicemember must have completed an associate's degree to be
eligible for teacher aide certification.
4. Sixty days care for servicemember who served fewer than 6 years; 120 days for servicemember who served 6-10 years.
5. Servicemember must have been involuntarily discharged under other than adverse conditions.
6. Certain dependents of retired servicemembers may be eligible. See the installations Health Benefits Advisor for details.
7. Servicemember is authorized to request excess leave or permissive TDY/TAD but not both.
8. Up to 30 days for those members who are domicillaries before entering active duty and continue to be domicillaries of States, possessions or territories of the United
States located outside CONUS, including domicillaries of foreign countries and are stationed at a location other than the State, possession or territory of their domicile
contingent upon commander's approval and mission requirements.
9. Commissary and exchange regulations extend unlimited privileges to a member entitled to retired pay. The same regulations offer unlimited privileges to an
honorably discharged veteran with a 100 percent service connected disability. Members entitled to retired pay who are also rated by the VA as 100% disabled remain
eligible for a blue ID card even if they waive retired pay to receive VA compensation.