a. The "retiree community" has four major components: annuitants who receive monthly
entitlements such as the Survivor Benefit Plan because they are widows, widowers, or orphans of
retirees or members who died on active duty; disability retirees on the Temporary Disability
Retired List (TDRL) or Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL); active duty and Reserve
retirees over 60 years of age who are eligible to draw retired pay; and retirees subject to recall,
including Reserve retirees in RET-2 status, not drawing retired pay, and active duty retirees
under 60 years of age who are eligible to draw retired pay. Retirees who would be eligible to
draw retired pay but who instead merged their military service with federal civilian retirement
are also included. Additionally, Federal civilian retirees who worked for the Coast Guard may
also maintain links with the Service via regional retiree councils.
b. Coast Guard military retirees and annuitants are valuable members who are affected by
Congressional legislation, have unique needs and can effectively represent the Coast Guard to
local and national decision makers. Retirees under age 60 remain subject to recall to active duty,
but their needs differ from those of members on active duty. These needs must be clearly visible
to senior Coast Guard leadership in order to maintain this special personnel resource.
5. COUNCIL PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES. The National Council of Coast Guard Retirees was
chartered in July 1982, and renamed the Commandant of the Coast Guard National Retiree Council
(CCGNRC) in 2002. Its primary purpose is to keep open a positive line of communications between
the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard military retiree community in an effort to make sure the
resources and capabilities of each are used to help resolve the needs of the other. The CCGNRC and
the RCGRCs are forums through which this communication takes place. Specific benefits that can
accrue from active outreach between Coast Guard units and retirees, under auspices of the CCGRNC
program, include:
a. Improving the interface between retirees and local Coast Guard units.
b. Developing and establishing methods for retirees and annuitants to function as mentors and to
participate in the Service's recruiting and retention initiatives.
c. Raising the visibility of the Coast Guard through coordinated efforts between District
Commanders and local retirees.
d. Establishing Retiree Services Offices, staffed by RCGRC volunteers, at Coast Guard units where
needs and interests warrant this service.
e. Developing comprehensive, easy to access, and understandable survivor benefits counseling
tools and packages for retirees and annuitants.
f. Promoting enhanced understanding of ongoing military health care issues throughout the entire
retiree and annuitant community.
g. Forging a strong communications link between the sponsoring command and the retiree and
annuitant community where RCGRCs are chartered.