COMDTINST 1760.9A OCT 30 1995
Commanding Officer, USCG Reserve Training Center Yorktown shall:
Conduct an orientation period on the benefits of the MGIB program within the
first 2 weeks of training for officer candidate classes or direct commission
orientation classes at RTC Yorktown.
Ensure eligible members are given the option to enroll or disenroll from the
program with the understanding that their decision is IRREVOCABLE. Their
decision need not be made at the conclusion of the orientation session but must
be made before the end of their first 14 days of active duty.
Ensure eligible members complete Form DD-2366 in triplicate, indicating their
intention to disenroll or enroll in the MGIB, and sign all three copies. Failure to
have member complete Form DD-2366 will automatically enroll them in the
MGIB program.
Distribute DD-2366 as follows: (1) original forwarded to the Military Personnel
Command (MPC-adm), for inclusion in the individual's Headquarters PDR; (2) a
copy placed in the individual's PERSRU PDR, and (3) a copy sent to the Pay and
Personnel Center. For those personnel electing to participate in the program,
PERSRU Yorktown shall initiate a reduction in pay, allotment, via SDA II.
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center shall:
Ensure pay reduction, for personnel electing to participate in the program,
processes through SDA II.
Transfer MGIB pay reductions to the Treasury Department.
Transfer MGIB eligibility data to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).
Unit Commanding Officers and Officers in Charge shall:
Provide all active duty MGIB participants with