Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 1760.8
21 NOV 1989
Item 8.a
Print your first name, middle initial, and last name in that order.
Item 8.b
Print your street address and number or RFD.
Item 8.c
Print your city, state and ZIP code.
Item 8.d
Enter your home telephone number, if known.
Item 9
Enter your social security number to help your employer identify you.
DO NOT DETACH THE SERVICE MEMBER'S COPY.. Return all 3 copies of the completed
form to the administrative department effecting your separation. They will mail them to the Office
of Veterans' Reemployment Rights. You will hear from that agency in a matter of days. Any
questions you have should be directed to that office after you have returned home. The address for
the Office of Veterans' Reemployment Rights is:
U. S. Department of Labor
Office of Veterans' Reemployment Rights
Washington, D.C. 20216