Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 1760.7B
A summary of the rules pertaining to the Department of Defense's
Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) coverage
What is CHCBP?
∙ Implementation of the CHCBP was directed by Congress in
∙ In order to enroll in the CHCBP, an eligible individual
section 4408 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
must request enrollment via an application or letter to:
Fiscal Year 1993. This law directed the implementation of a
program of temporary continued health benefits coverage
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comparable to the benefits provided for former civilian
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employees of the Federal government. The CHCBP is a
premium based temporary health care coverage program that
∙ Although beneficiaries have sixty (60) days to enroll in the
will be available to qualified beneficiaries. Medical benefits
CHCBP, the period of coverage must begin on the day
under this program will mirror the benefits offered via the
after entitlement to a military health care plan ends
basic CHAMPUS program. The CHCBP is not part of the
(including transitional health care under TAMP).
CHAMPUS program; however, it functions under most of
∙ The application must also include payment for the
the rules and procedures of CHAMPUS.
premium for the first quarter (three months) coverage
How long does CHCBP coverage last?
under the CHCBP.
∙ For any member discharged or released from active duty or
∙ Applications must be accompanied by proof of eligibility
full-time National Guard duty, whether voluntarily or
such as DD 214, Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting
involuntarily, coverage under the CHCBP is limited to
System (DEERS) or any other official statement of service,
eighteen (18) months.
and/or proof of dependency status.
∙ For an unmarried dependent child of a member or former
What does CHCBP cost?
member, coverage under the CHCBP is limited to thirty-six
∙ Premium rates are established by the Assistant Secretary of
(36) months.
Defense (Health Affairs) for two rate groups, individual
Who is eligible?
and family. The rates are based on Federal Employee
Health Benefit Program employee and agency
A person who:
contributions which would be required for a comparable
∙ is discharged or released from active duty, whether
health benefits plan, plus an administrative fee. The
voluntarily or involuntarily, under other than adverse
premium rates may be updated annually and will be
conditions, and was entitled to medical and dental care under
published when updated. the rates are also available from
military health care plan; and
CHCBP Administrator.
∙ is not eligible for any benefits under CHAMPUS or TAMP.
∙ Members discharged or released from active duty or full-
A person who:
time National Guard duty must select their rate group at
∙ ceases to meet requirements for being considered an
the time they enroll, either individual or family. After
unmarried dependent child of a member or former member
enrollment, beneficiaries may change from family to
of the Uniformed Services;
individual at any time by notifying CHCBP Administrator
in writing. Changes made from individual to family may
∙ on the day before ceasing to meet those requirements, was
not be made.
covered under CHAMPUS or TAMP as a dependent of the
member or former member; and
∙ Premiums are to be paid quarterly by check or money
order. Payment must be received no later than thirty (30)
∙ would not otherwise be eligible for any benefits under
days after the start of the quarter.
A person who:
Additional Information
∙ is an unremarried former spouse of a member or former
∙ write or call:
member of the Uniformed Services;
∙ on the day before the date of the final decree of divorce,
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dissolution, or annulment was covered under a health
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benefits plan under CHAMPUS or TAMP as a dependent of
the member or former member; and
∙ is not eligible for CHAMPUS as a former spouse of a
member or former member