Transportation may be provided to:
(1) Local public schools when the school is not accessible.
(2) Nearby public schools, other than the local public schools when:
(a) The nearby public school is not accessible; and
(b) The Head of the DoD Component concerned has determined that local public
schools in which the children would normally be enrolled are unable to provide adequately for their
education; that attendance at other public schools (to include public schools for the handicapped) in
a local education agency district of residence can be arranged, and that transportation is not
available as described in paragraph 6-3a(1) above.
Transportation to public schools maybe furnished under DoD Appropriations Acts only
when the appropriate official of the local education agency advises that school transportation will
not be provided by the local education agency (see paragraph 6-3a(2)).
d. Only one trip to the school and one trip from the school per school day is authorized for
any one child.
When more than one DoD installation is involved, transportation arrangements will be
coordinated by the dominant user to minimize required transportation resources.
Dependent school children may use available regularly scheduled DoD transportation
within and between installations when traveling to and from school in order to make connections
with regular means of transportation. Similarly, special transportation may be provided within the
installation if this would serve to make schools accessible by regular means of transportation.
Where it is necessary for a DoD Component to provide transportation for dependents to
public schools, or to schools operated on DoD installations for dependent children, written
agreements shall be entered into with the local educational agency as to the services and facilities
to be furnished and the arrangements for reimbursement (see paragraph 6-3a(2) above).
Reimbursable costs shall be credited to applicable appropriations, and shall consist of
all costs incident to operations, maintenance, and depreciation of the equipment, and the
compensation costs of the drivers directly engaged in providing the transportation service.