Dec 17, 81
b. Ensure that educational facilities and services operated by DoDDS for handicapped
children are comparable to DoDDS educational facilities and services for nonhandicapped children.
c. Maintain records on special education and related services provided to handicapped
d. Provide any or all special education and related services required by a handicapped
child, other than those furnished by the Secretaries of the Military Departments. In fulfilling this
responsibility, the Director and his subordinate organizational structure may use interagency, intra-
agency, and interservice arrangements, or act through contracts with private parties, when funds are
authorized and appropriated.
e. Develop and implement a comprehensive system of personnel development.
f. Monitor compliance with this Instruction.
g. Provide technical assistance.
h. Undertake evaluation activities to ensure compliance with this Instruction.
2. The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall provide those reacted services that are
supplied by a physician or that require professional medical supervision. In general, those services,
which are diagnostic and therapeutic in nature, shall be provided to DoDDS by the appropriate
military command having responsibility for medical care in the geographical region. The services
provided by the Secretaries of the Military Departments include medical services for diagnostic and
evaluation purposes, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and audiology as may be required to
assist a handi-capped child to benefit from special education.
3. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics)
(ASD(MRA&L)), in consultation with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and the
Secretaries of the Military Departments, shall assign specific functions and geographical areas of
responsibility for all related services.
4. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics), or
designee, shall:
a. Chair the DoD Coordinating Committee on Special Education and Related Services,
which shall be composed of