22 OCT 1992
(cont'd) All monies provided are taxable. The active duty member must meet the criteria set
forth in this Instruction (See definitions in enclosure (1)). Participation in the program is
designed to assist Coast Guard active duty members to offset the high cost of adoption
Coast Guard active duty members and reservists must be on active duty for at least 180
consecutive days before applying for adoption reimbursement. No more than one
member may be reimbursed for the expenses relate to the adoption of the same child.
Adoptions that qualify for reimbursement under the program include adoptions by a
married couple, by a single person, adoptions of an infant or older child (one under the
age of 18), United States or intercountry adoptions, and adoptions of a child with special
needs, as defined in the Social Security Act (reference (b)). the adoption of stepchildren
or others who are considered the Coast Guard member's dependents for the purpose of
receiving military benefits does not qualify for reimbursement under this program.
Benefits paid under this program shall be paid only after the adoption is final. A benefit
may not be paid under this program for any expense paid to or for a member of the
Coast Guard under any other adoption benefits program administered by the Federal
Government or under any such program administered by a State or local government.
The application must be submitted within 365 days of the date the adoption becomes
Disbursements shall be supported by appropriate documentation identified in enclosures
(2)-(3). The original or copy of the member's signed reimbursement request shall be
added as supporting documentation to the disbursement voucher form.
PROCEDURES. All Coast Guard active duty members applying for reimbursement of
adoption expenses shall:
Register for adoption expense reimbursement, using enclosure (2), as soon as both the
home study and placement of the child have occurred.