begin. Dependent children (or, if applicable, the legal guardian) are required to annually certify that
they are not cohabitating with the member or ineligible spouse by completing the certificate of
eligibility. The certificate of eligibility must be returned to PSC within 60 days to prevent
suspension of payments. PSC will notify Commandant (CG-1112) in a timely manner of recipients
who are no longer eligible to receive payments as a result of not completing the annual certification.
a. The Health and Safety Directorate, Commandant (CG-11), shall develop, publish, and maintain
this Instruction and ensure compliance.
b. Integrated Support Command and Headquarters Support Command Work Life Staffs shall
offices, staff judge advocates, Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS), Military Medical
Treatment Facilities, and Chaplain Offices.
c. The Maintenance and Logistics Commanders shall:
(1) Designate a judge advocate to serve as the Transitional Compensation Coordinator within
their legal office;
(2) Approve eligible requests by signing the "Approving Official Certification" in Item 22 of
Application for Transitional Compensation, DD Form 2698; or
(3) In disapproved cases, ensure the spouse is notified in writing of the reason for disapproval
(remarriage, cohabitation, active participation in the abuse, etc.) and that he or she has 10
calendar days from the mailing of the notice to respond in writing; and
(4) If the 10-day time limit is met, consider the response in a new determination of whether or
not to approve transitional compensation.
d. The Transitional Compensation Coordinator shall:
(1) Ensure the spouse or dependent-child (or legal guardian as appropriate), is provided DD
Form 2698;
(2) Consult with the member's unit commanders and cognizant field legal office for information
necessary to determine the validity of the application, authorized recipients, and duration of
(3) Enter all information on DD Form 2698, except Items 12, 22a, 24, and 25;
(4) Ensure the applicant completes Item 12 of DD Form 2698 by signing and dating Items 12.a.
and 12.b.;
(5) Ensure the applicant submits a voided check to facilitate direct deposit of payments;