Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1754.10B
Coast Guard family members and civilian employees of the Coast
CG Family
Guard have the option to NOT report cases of rape/sexual assault to
CGIS/EAPC. Commands shall respect the wishes of the victim in
these cases.
Chooses to
NOT Report
the Incident
The following facts are provided for command information as
background to understanding the severity of impact to all concerned
following a rape or sexual assault.
70% of victims show no obvious evidence of physical injury. A
rape/sexual assault survivor may have sustained internal
injuries, a sexually transmitted disease, or pregnancy from the
attack. A medical exam is extremely important. Contact a local
rape hotline for a referral to a medical facility that treats
rape/sexual assault survivors if not available through the Coast
Sexual Assault victims are at a higher risk for suicidal ideation,
gestures, and attempts. Most, at minimum, will show signs of
Rape Trauma Syndrome, which is similar in nature to Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD ).
According to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, assaults
by a friend or acquaintance make up approximately 80% of all
sexual assaults. A perpetrator of sexual assault is likely to be
well-groomed, charismatic, likeable, a good performer, etc., as it
is these elements that encourage the victim to trust him or her.
Every rape/sexual assault survivor reacts differently. There is
no such thing as a "typical" or "normal" response.
Many survivors blame themselves for the attack and will say, "It
was my fault." This does NOT mean that a rape/sexual assault
did not occur.
The perpetrator becomes a high risk for suicide.