(c) Forcible Sodomy. An act done by force, and without consent, whereby one person takes
into his/her mouth or anus the sexual organ of another person (of the same or opposite
sex); places his/her sexual organ in the mouth or anus of another person; or places his/her
sexual organ in any opening of the body other than the sexual parts of another person.
Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.
(d) Indecent Assault. An assault with the intent to gratify the lust or sexual desires of the
(e) Rape. An act of penile-vaginal intercourse by force and without consent. Penetration,
however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.
b. Lack of Consent. Can include situations where resistance is overcome by duress; acts of violence
or harm or the threat of; the victim lacks mental or physical faculties to resist; the victim is
unconscious; the victim is of unsound mind; or the victim is incapable of consent due to
intoxication by alcohol or other drugs.
c. Victim. Any person who either reports the commission of a sexual assault upon himself or
herself or is identified, based upon the report of another person or other information, as a person
who has been subjected to a sexual assault.
d. Victim Support Person. A person who can provide emotional support to the victim during
interviews and medical procedures. The support person may be present, but is not to participate
(e.g., prompting the victim) during the interview process. This person can be the EAPC, a
Victim Support Person recommended by the EAPC, or another person chosen by the victim.
7. POLICY. Sexual assault violates the Coast Guard's core values and will not be tolerated. All
members of the Coast Guard shall foster an environment that does not excuse, tolerate, or mitigate
sexual assault. Helping service members and their families to cope with a sexual assault incident is
the most difficult challenge faced by commands. This policy is intended to help commands
effectively confront this challenge.
a. All Coast Guard personnel, military and civilian, shall follow the procedures of this Instruction,
and the reporting procedures of reference (d), to ensure the sensitive, coordinated, and effective
management of all sexual assault cases covered by this Instruction. Sexual assault cases can be
among the most difficult to litigate, and immediate involvement of trained investigators, forensic
medical teams and Judge Advocates frequently make the difference in preserving evidence that
may be critical in resolving the matter. These cases also often raise complex evidentiary and
other legal issues.
b. Coast Guard medical personnel are expected to provide the victim any required first aid.
However, the Coast Guard medical personnel are not trained or equipped to provide forensic rape
exams or analysis. This service will be coordinated by Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS)
and obtained from trained forensic rape medical teams in the local community within 24 hours of
incident occurring. In the rare event that appropriate local community medical resources do not
exist, CGIS may request CG medical forensic assistance from the MLC's. ONLY Coast Guard
medical personnel, who have been trained as Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFE) in