5. APPLICATION. Commanding officers and their staffs may use qualified organizations to
provide educational programs and materials in support of individual and professional
development initiatives. This may include, but is not limited to, a military pre-retirement
education program, financial planning seminars, job fairs, survivor benefit plans, resume
assistance and personal commercial affairs (e.g., consumer credit and financing, insurance,
Government benefits, savings and budgeting, etc.).
a. Organization. A non-governmental entity's headquarters office and all of its agents and
b. Private Organization. An organization that is private, non-profit, self-insured, tax exempt
or not tax exempt and not financially linked to or supported by any for-profit
c. Government-Sponsored Enterprise. An enterprise that is created by Federal Statute, has a
board of directors partially appointed by the President, is regulated by the Federal
government, has a statutory purpose of increasing the supply of funds available to
mortgage lenders, and has no ability to originate mortgage loans to consumers. Prime
examples of this class are the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (known as
Freddie Mac) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (known as Fannie Mae).
d. Qualified Organization. A private organization or government sponsored enterprise that
has been approved by Commandant (G-WKW) to provide commands and staffs with
topical educational material or to make topical educational presentations.
7. PROCEDURES FOR DESIGNATION. All non-federal organizations that want to provide
topical educational materials or make topical educational presentations must petition
Commandant (G-WKW). All commanding officers and staff must contact Commandant (G-
WKW) to determine whether the non-federal organization is a designated qualified
organization before allowing any non-federal organization to provide educational material or
make an educational presentation. Commandant (G-WKW) will retain a list of all qualified
organizations. Commandant (G-WKW) must designate an organization as a qualified
organization before it will be allowed to present educational programs or materials to a Coast
Guard staff or command. A request for designation shall be submitted on organizational
headquarters letterhead, and be signed by an official at the organization's headquarters
office. Each request shall:
a. Certify that the organization is a private organization or a government-sponsored
enterprise as defined above.
b. Indicate whether or not the organization qualifies as a tax-exempt organization under
section 501c(3) of Title 26, United States Code.
c. Certify the organization's understanding of and agreement to comply with the conditions
for retaining designation specified below, as well as the penalties for non-compliance.
d. Certify that the organization will advise Commandant (G-WKW) of any discovery of
non-compliant activity within their program and their corrective action, or their intent to
discontinue their participation in this program.
e. Include a copy of all topical educational material to be provided to Coast Guard
personnel. (Material must be entirely educational in nature, and be void of any