AUG 16 1999
RECOMMENDATION. Recognizing the unique organization and limited size of
Auxiliary aviation, an Auxiliary member wishing to become qualified as air crew must fill
out the Air Crew Application Form (Enclosure 4) and mail it to the District Director of
Auxiliary (DIRAUX) for consideration. In evaluating the member's application, the
DIRAUX will consider the following criteria:
(1) Capacity: The number of air crew will be determined by (DIRAUX) with input from
the District Commodore (DCO) and the District Staff Officer for Aviation (DSO-AV).
The number of air crew needed for each district depends on types of missions being
flown and types of Auxiliary aircraft available.
(2) Location: Determine the proximity of the member in time or distance to the nearest
Auxiliary aviation facility. Consider response time of the member to a random callout.
Does the member have reliable transportation to meet a scheduled Auxiliary air patrol
at the airport of origin?
(3) Availability: Will the availability of the member be sufficient to allow a positive
contribution to the district's Auxiliary aviation program? The tempo of district
Auxiliary air operations should be considered when determining what the availability
of the member should be.
(4) Aviation Background: Consider the aviation background of the applicant. If the
member has aviation experience, is it recent or dated? Would the member's aviation
experience aid in designation as Auxiliary Air Crew?
MEDICAL SCREENING. Once approved to enter the air crew syllabus, the member will
begin the medical screening process. The member may chose to obtain the medical
screening from a designated Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Medical
Examiner (AME) or the member's personal physician. If the member uses a designated
FAA AME he or she will apply for an FAA Third Class medical. The medical screening
form (enclosure 3) will be used if the member decides to use his or her personal physician.
After completion of the medical screening, the completed form will be forwarded to the
DIRAUX for inclusion in the member's record. If any of the categories in the medical
screening are answered "no," the DIRAUX will forward the form to the National Branch
Chief-Air Flight Surgeon (BC-OAA). The BC-OAA will review the form and make a
determination on the member's fitness for flight. A letter stating this determination will
then be forwarded to the member through the DIRAUX.