Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST M6794.4
Pump drill
Properly prepare and operate the pump (5 points)
Unpack, obtain suction and discharge within 3 minutes (5 points)
Properly repack the pump (5 points)
Two team members shall be tested dockside on the phonetic alphabet
and local operating channels.
Each team member must score 100% (5 points for each team member)
The underway message (3 points)
Ops and position message (3 points)
On scene message (3 points)
Commence search message (3 points)
PIW found and condition message (3 points)
Complete the normal Currency Maintenance Tasks
Successfully complete pre-underway check off (2 points)
Successfully complete MOB drill (3 points)
Successfully complete Towing drill(10 points)
Total Team Score (must be at least 90 to pass)
(Printed Name (Rank) of Proctor)
(Signature of Proctor)
* If active duty proctor, Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge signature required:
_____________________________________, _____________________________
(Commanding Officer / Officer in Charge signature)
( Unit name)