1. The proctor must be a person in one of the following categories:
a. A commissioned, warrant, or petty officer of the regular Coast Guard
or Coast Guard Reserve on active duty.
b. A commissioned or warrant officer of the Coast Guard Reserve on
inactive duty.
c. An AUXOP member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary who has been
specifically designated by the director of Auxiliary to administer
Operational Specialty Examinations.
2. The proctor shall be present with examinees throughout
the examination.
3. The proctor shall not answer substantive questions about the examination
or allow students to assist each other in any way.
4. The proctor shall not open the examination envelope until all students are
seated and ready to begin. At that time he shall pass out the
read aloud the folowing instructions to the students.
a. Check the subject of the examination provided to be sure that this is
the examination requested.
b. Place in front of you the blank answer sheet provided.
(1) Carefully make all marks on this answer sheet with the No. 9
black lead pencil provided. Be careful to make no stray
pencil marks on the answer sheet as it will be
machine-graded. To avoid erasures, it is suggested that at
first you mark your selection lightly with a small dot.
Then, after you are satisfied that no changes will be made,
darken the blocks carefully.
(2) Print your name, last name first, on the line provided.
(3) Enter your 10 digit Member Number. i.e.
120-04-11-147 for 12th District, 4th division, 11th flotilla,
147th member and 03S-08-02-056 for 3rd
District Southern Area, 8th division, 2nd flotilla, 56th
On the line marked. Exam Title, enter the name of the examination
as listed on the front of your examination booklet.
Under Member's Mailing Address, list the address to which you
desire the results of this examination to be mailed.
In the block entitled Date of Examination, first darken the
space under the appropriate month. Under "Ten's digit" darken
the space corresponding to the first digit in the date, a zero it
is the 1-9th of the month. Under "Unit's digit" mark the second
digit of the date.
Enter your Social Security number in the block provided, starting
at the top.
Enter the 3 digit course code, the 1 digit edition number and the
2 digit test number (not the serial number) found on the
front of the examination booklet.
Enter the 7 digit OPFAC number listed on the front of the
examination booklet.
(10) Now blacken in the appropriate spaces to the right of the blocks
you have just completed.
c. Any marks made in the examination booklet will result in the
disqualification of the student. There is no time limit, but the
test must be taken in one sitting and without breaks. You may talk
with no one but me during this examination. All examination booklets,
answer sheets, scratch paper and pencils shall be returned to me at
the completion of the examination. No copies of the examination or of
the answers, or of any portions thereof either directly or in
paraphrase form shall be made or divulged. YOU MAY BEGIN NOW.
5. When all students are finished, all answer sheets, scratch paper, and
copies of the examinations shall be placed in the smaller of the two
envelopes provided and the envelope sealed. No copies shall be retained
for administering at a later time. Such postponements shall constitute
an additional examination and the request for such postponed examinations
shall be processed in accordance with procedures established by the
Director of Auxiliary.
6. After the examination envelope is sealed, the second endorsement on this
form shall be completed by the proctor. The original of this form shall
be placed on the outside of the (inner) envelope, and the copy
retained by the proctor for his records.
7. The proctor shall then enclose the examination envelope in the larger
envelope provided and mail it promptly to the Director of Auxiliary.