JUNE 28,1995
where DAPIs are located are Providence, St. Louis, Baltimore, Miami, New Orleans, Toledo,
Los Angeles/Long Beach, Portland (Oregon), Honolulu, and Anchorage.
DISCUSSION. The Coast Guard chemical testing regulations are applicable to approximately
132,000 commercial vessel crewmembers working on approximately 44,000 inspected and
uninspected vessels. The intent of the regulations is to provide a means to minimize the use of
intoxicants by merchant marine personnel and to promote a drug free and safe work
environment. In order for any regulations to have a meaningful impact, they must be complied
with by the industry affected. Enforcement of the regulations is necessary to ensure that
testing is being done by marine employers when required and in the manner required.
Commandant (G-M) shall continue to work closely with DOT and other modal
transportation administrations to ensure cooperation, and where possible consistency,
between regulatory agencies.
Commandant (G-MMI) shall:
Act as program manager for the Chemical Testing Regulations, including
promulgating changes to 46 CFR 16, providing input to DOT changes to 49 CFR 40,
and developing appropriate policy and guidance.
Initiate and coordinate training for the DAPIs.
Develop and provide checklists of applicable regulations to be used by DAPIs.
Maintain and distribute up-to-date Chemical Testing informational material for the
marine industry.
Administer the Chemical Testing Program budget, including distribution travel
funds to Commanding Officers of marine safety offices where DAPIs are billeted for
travel purpose to other marine inspection zones.
Annually measure the effectiveness of the Chemical Testing Program through the
use of the Management Information System (MIS) and requiring annual reports
from DAPIs of their activities.
Monitor the use of all program resources and tools, and revise and redistribute as
District Commanders are to ensure effective utilization of the District's DAPI among all
marine safety/inspection offices to the maximum extent possible given time, budget,
distance, and operational constraints.