18 NOV 1988
OCMI's and the MSC shall review existing oversight programs and amend them as
necessary to implement this instruction. Each OCMI shall provide a copy of the revised
oversight plan to Commandant (G-MVI) via the District Commander (m) and the MSC
shall provide revised oversight plans to Commandant (G-MTH).
/s/ Joel D. Sipes
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
Chief, Office of Marine Safety,
Security, and Environmental Protection
Non-Standard Distribution:
MLCPAC, MLCLANT (6 extra).
New Orleans (90), Baltimore (45); San Francisco Bay (40);
Philadelphia Port Arthur, Honolulu, Puget Sound (35); Miami, Mobile,
Long Beach, Morgan City (25); Hampton Roads, Jacksonville, Portland
OR (20); Boston, Portland ME, Charleston, Galveston, Anchorage (15);
Cleveland (12); Louisville, Memphis, Paducah, Pittsburgh, St.
Louis, Savannah, San Juan, Tampa, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Duluth,
Milwaukee, San Diego, Juneau, Valdez (10); Guam, Providence,
Huntington, Wilmington, Corpus Christi, Toledo (5).
C:m New York (70); Houston (25); St. Ignace (5); Sturgeon Bay (4).
D:1 CG Liaison Officer MILSEALIFTCOMD (Code M-4E4), CG Liaison Officer
RSPA (DHM-22), CG Liaison Officer JUSMAGPHIL, CG Liaison Officer
MARAD (MAR-720.1) (1).