Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 16637.5
The Great Lakes pilotage statutes provide for a temporary suspension of the statute's pilotage
requirements in the event of either of the following two circumstances (46 U.S.C. 9302(d)):
A registered pilot is not expected to be available within six hours (the Six Hour Rule); or
The vessel or its cargo is in distress or jeopardy (the Distress Rule).
The Six Hour Rule (46 U.S.C. 9302(d)(1) and 46 CFR 401.501)
The following particulars apply to the six hour rule:
The Director, Great Lakes Pilotage, will be informed pursuant to 46 CFR 401.510(b)(3) and
(4) by the pilot association or the vessel that a pilot is not expected to be available within six
hours. However, this information may come from a ship's agent or the local Coast Guard
The Director will investigate and will make the determination as to whether a registered pilot
is expected to be available within six hours.
If the Director determines that a registered pilot will be available within six hours, the Director
will notify the Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District (m), the vessel (the vessel's agent),
and the pilot association, that the vessel does require a registered pilot in accordance with 46
U.S.C. 9302(a).
If the Director determines that a registered pilot will not be available within six hours, the
Director will notify the Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District (m), the vessel (the vessel's
agent), and the pilot association. This determination is only in effect until the vessel enters a
port, or other area where pilots are normally taken aboard. If the vessel has not sailed within
the six hour period, another registered pilot must
be requested by the vessel (vessel's agent).
When the Director makes the notification of his determination, he will also relay all
information pertinent to the situation which he has been able to ascertain. Pertinent
information may include the Director's estimate of when or if any registered pilot might
be available.
The Director and CCGD9(m) will keep each other apprised of new information regarding
each situation, as the information becomes available.