Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 16577.2
3.2 Operations
1) NAVCEN is responsible for Operational Control (OPCON) for the DGPS Navigation
2) NAVCEN is responsible for development and promulgation of a DGPS Operations
Manual for G-N approval. The Operations Manual establishes policies and procedures for
the DGPS system day-to-day operations, record keeping, report requirements, logistics,
3) NAVCEN will issue and maintain an OPORDER for each broadcast site that defines
operating parameters.
4) District commanders have responsibility for Administrative Control (ADCON) of the
DGPS Broadcast Sites within their District.
5) The centralized approach to management of DGPS radiobeacons places the requirement
on NAVCEN to operationally monitor and control each DGPS site. This results in a
reduction of District responsibilities as follows:
DGPS Broadcast Site monitoring is no longer required by each District.
b) Notices to Mariners advising users of unforecast system outages as well as proposed
and scheduled service off-air time will be initiated by NAVCEN by notifying
appropriate District oans. District oans will then issue them through normal channels.
NAVCEN will be responsible fot authorizing all requests for off-air.
6) Only Continuous Radiobeacons will be used for DGPS. Sequenced and Calibration
Radiobeacons are not required.
7) The transmission of Morse Code characters by DGPS radiobeacons is no longer required.
DGPS Broadcast Site identifying information is included in the RTCM SC-104 format.
Refer to the Broadcast Standard for the USCG DGPS Navigation Service, COMDTINST
M 16577.1, for a detailed explanation of broadcast signal characteristics.
3.3 Maintenance
1) Commandant G-TES will provide MLCs with general guidance. Maintenance procedures
will be issued using the Coast Guard Planned Maintenance System (CGPMS) which is the
responsibility of G-TES. Overall broadcast site condition will be validated monthly at the
organizational level. MLCs will perform an annual engineering inspection and report the
results to NAVCEN. Twelve new Electronic Teohnioian billets, five to MLCPAC and
seven to MLCLANT, are provided to meet additional DGPS organizational and
intermediate level maintenance requirements.
2) DGPS Broadcast Sites are exempt from discrepancy response factor calculations as
defined in COMDTINST M16500.7, Aids To Navigation Manual. Discrepancy Response
criteria are as follows: