Encl. (4) TO COMDTINST 16478.12
First CG District ATON Battery Recovery Site Safety Plan
__Drum and container handling procedures and spill containment plans are
provided as attachment 3.
Use available machinery and lift aiding equipment before lifting heavy loads
Have someone help you with a heavy load (even a load within personal
capacity can cause back injury). Use team work for numerous small loads
(e.g., stock piles of trash bags full of oily debris). Do not rush the
Use of Chemical Protective Ensembles will restrict movement and visibility.
Use extra care while lifting in these ensembles.
Position feet properly. Of greatest importance here is to simply maintain
balance and avoid twisting motions while lifting. Feet should not be close
together. The feet should be close to the load to help keep the body close
to the center of gravity. One foot should be positioned in the direction
the load will be moved to avoid twisting or turning of the back during the
lift. Turn using your feet and not by twisting the back.
Before and during the lift pull the load close to you to deep the center of
gravity over your feet.
Check your grip and test the weight of the load before lifting.
The back should be straight when starting the lift and the knees should be
doing the bending. This will help to ensure that much of the lifting is
done with the legs. To help keep the back straight the chin should be
tucked in and head kept up.
Keep the stomach muscles tight while lifting. Keep your back straight
during the lift and avoid twisting motions in particular.
Move slowly and deliberately.