Enclosure 2 to Comdtinst 16478.12
*Aid name, LLNR, and National ID number uniquely AtoN's within districts
only. Many AtoN's share the same and numbers with other districts. Any two
among name, National ID, and LLNR will uniquely specify an AtoN.
**In a few cases, the assigned state locations of individual AtoN may need to
be corrected. The Coast Guard does not track Aton locations by state.
Whenever possible, state assignments were made based on the latitude and
longitude of the AtoN using a Geographic Information System program.
However, accuracy was difficult to attain on waterways dividing states,
where AtoN are not widely separated. In these cases, we made a "best
guess" and placed based on available information, such as location of the
Coast Guard unit servicing the aid or position of the next closest AtoN
with a known state assignment. State of assignment is a location
descriptor only and in no way affects a site's priority ranking.
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Priority Ranking Plan for Aton Battery Recovery