Marine Protected Areas. (Enclosure (1) is a current list of marine protected species)
Districts should also consider partnering or coordinating with the local offices of the Fish
and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries in
identifying populations of indigenous and migratory protected species in the area.
(2) In striving to reduce potential opportunities for conflict between protected species and
operations, districts should encourage area avoidance, promulgate speed/approach guidance
similar to reference (o), ensure the posting of properly trained lookouts aboard cutters, and
other similar measures where appropriate.
b. Participate in multi-agency planning groups to identify potential for non-regulatory cooperative
efforts designed to lessen or eliminate future impact upon regional and migratory protected and
candidate species. Planning groups appropriate for district participation might include take
reduction teams, sanctuary advisory committees, and stranding networks.
c. Record PLMR efforts in appropriate databases (i.e., AOPS, MISLE) and message traffic (i.e.,
LMR Enforcement Summary, SITREPs) to ensure accurate archiving of Coast Guard activities
and Auxiliary response.
(1) AOPS - Record resource hours dedicated to activities involving protected living marine
resources. Additional guidance is provided in reference (j) and the AOPS Users Guide.
The latter is available on the intranet at
MISLE Record boardings and enforcement actions involving protected living marine
resources. Additional guidance is provided in reference (k) and the MISLE Users Guide.
The latter is available on the intranet at
(3) LMR Enforcement Summary Record significant events involving protected living marine
resources, including assistance to other agencies and incidents where other operational
commitments prevented Coast Guard units from responding to legitimate requests for
assistance involving marine protected species recovery activities. Additional guidance is
provided in reference (k) and enclosure (4) to reference (g).
(4) SITREP Law Enforcement SITREPS for events involving protected living marine
resources should be prepared in accordance with and when prescribed by enclosure (4) to
reference (g).
d. Protected living marine resources programs that support the Coast Guard's Strategic Plan and
meet the objectives delineated in reference (i) shall include:
(1) Description of areas of special interest, including designated critical habitats and marine
(2) Enforcement procedures; Districts should develop specific guidance, taking into account
the particularities of the natural environment in which they operate, to supplement the
general enforcement guidance already provided in chapter 8, paragraph 3 of reference (g);