operations, the geographic specific appendices in a vessel's response plan are not as
detailed as is the geographic information section within a facility plan. For these reasons,
more reliance will be placed on the Area Contingency Plan (ACP) for guidance on
resources at risk and other response considerations in the event of an oil spill involving a
VRPs undergo a review process that is similar to that applied to facilities. The plans are
given a preliminary review upon receipt, and upon passing this review are given a
comprehensive review for approval. All plans are logged into a VRP database that tracks
the plan throughout the review and approval process.
After a response plan is accepted for review and approval, Commandant (G-MEP-6) enters
information on the plan into MSIS. This information is contained in the Vessel File List
of Documents (VFLD). An indication of "In Process" in the status block means the vessel
has been granted continued operating authorization until the indicated expiration date. An
indication of "Valid" means the vessel's plan has been approved for the period indicated.
If a vessel has no entry in this field, units should contact G-MEP-1 for the most current
Approved SOPEPs are required to be carried on board all oceangoing oil tankers of 150
gross tons and above and all other vessels of 400 gross tons and above, when operating in
the navigable waters of the United States by 4 April 1995.
SOPEPs are required to be reviewed and approved by the vessel's flag state administration.
For US flag vessels 33 CFR 151.27 requires that the Coast Guard review and approve the
plan. To provide consistency in the review of SOPEPs, all plans will be reviewed by
commandant (G-MEP-6). A review at the national level will also help to accommodate
those plan holders that wish to utilize thire OPA 90 VRPs to meet the SOPEP
requirements. This dual approval of a plan can be made where an owner or operator has
amended their plan to include the required additional information to meet the international
notification and coordination requirements.
The purpose of a SOPEP is different than that of the vessel and facility response plans
mandated by OPA 90. A SOPEP provides guidance to the ship's master and officers with
respect to the onboard emergency procedures followed when a pollution incident has
occurred or is likely to occur. These plans will often be in a checklist type format.