REPORTING AREAS. The MSR encompasses two distinct reporting areas. The northeast
area, WHALESNORTH, protects a critical right whale feeding ground. The geographic
boundaries of this area include the waters of Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts Bay, and the Great
South Channel east and southeast of Massachusetts. Coordinates of the area are as follows:
from a point on Cape Ann, Massachusetts at 4239'.00N, 70 37'.00W; then northeast to
4245'.00N, 70 13'.00W; then southeast to 4210'.00N, 68 31'.00W; then south to 4100'.00N, 68
31'.00W; then west to 4100'.00N, 69 17'.00W; then northwest to 4205'.00N, 70 02'.00W; then
west to 4204'.00N, 70 10'.00W; and then along the Massachusetts shoreline of Cape Cod and
Massachusetts Bay back to the point on Cape Ann at 4239'.00N, 70 37'.00W [NOAA Chart
No. 13009 (see enclosure (1))]. The southeast area, WHALESSOUTH, protects the only
known right whale calving grounds and operates from 15 November through 15 April. The
geographic boundaries of the southeast reporting area include coastal waters within about 25
nautical miles along a 90 nautical mile stretch of the Atlantic seaboard in Florida and Georgia.
The area extends from the shoreline east to longitude 8051'.60W, with the southernorthern
enclosure (2))].
contractor to construct and operate the MSR communication system and database. Accounting
for the numerous responsibilities and demands on our communication facilities, operational
units, and merchant mariners, the MSR was designed as an automatic system. It is estimated
that 95 percent of commercial vessel traffic will be able to report via INMARSAT C, the
primary reporting method. The remaining five percent will use other satellite communications,
or will be urged to report to the Coast Guard Communication Area Master Station Atlantic
(CAMSLANT). However, the Coast Guard can not mandate the method by which a vessel can
report into the system and can only recommend vessels follow the prescribed reporting
methods. Upon entry to either WHALESNORTH or WHALESSOUTH, all vessels meeting
the reporting requirements must report pertinent vessel information to the Coast Guard via the
MSR. Ships are required to report directly to the MSR system and should not use e-mail
batching or routing service companies, which can delay the receipt of MSR reply messages.
Ship reportbe made via the recommended communication methods, which are listed below in
order of precedence:
Report directly via INMARSAT C to one of the following addresses: E-mail: or Telex: 236737831
Vessels not equipped with INMARSAT C should report via alternate satellite
communications equipment directly to one of the following addresses: E-mail: or Telex: 236737831