Specific Responsibilities: Area and district commanders and unit commanding
officers shall:
Maintain liaison with appropriate local authorities to evaluate requests for
icebreaking services.
Promulgate, in standard operating procedures, plans, and orders, as appropriate,
details concerning icebreaking services to be provided in specific principal
Forward requests for significant expansion of icebreaking services to
Commandant (G-NIO) for consideration.
Other Policies:: Commandant (G-NIO) will be contacted for further guidance regarding
policy exceptions. The Coast Guard will not normally:
Seek reimbursement from other government agencies for routine domestic
icebreaking operations.
Hire commercial vessels for domestic icebreaking.
ICE INFORMATION: The Coast Guard will not make ice forecasts, but, when available,
may disseminate current or historic ice information from the National Weather Service or
other cognizant agencies to mariners and other related interests. The source of ice information
and forecasts should be identified. Details of transmission of ice information are at the
discretion of the District Commander.
Annual Report: Districts engaging in domestic icebreaking shall submit an Annual
Domestic Ice Operations Report to Commandant (G-NIO) via area commanders not
later than 1 August. The report shall conform to the format and guidance provided in
enclosure (1). Additional data considered relevant to program evaluation, as well as
recommendations for report improvement, should be included in the annual report.
To manage the program effectively the data base must contain what was done
(level of effort); what gains were derived from the efforts (benefits); and
efficiency with which operations were accomplished (performance).