COMDTINST 16114.36
a. Chief, Office of Boat Forces is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Surfman
Management Program (SMP).
b. Chief, Office of Boat Forces will designate a specific officer on staff as the SMP Officer. Duties
of the SMP Officer will include:
(1) Primary liaison with all field and staff offices on management of surfmen, surf stations,
staffing, and policy concerning surfmen. Monitor status of and liaise with field and staff
offices to develop and recommend improvement to the following:
(a) Recruitment of surfman prospects.
(b) Identification and selection of potential surfmen.
(c) Surfman training and qualification system.
(d) Surfman professional and career development.
(e) Surfman motivation and incentive system
(2) Primary liaison with the National Motor Lifeboat School (NMLBS).
(3) Provide a report to the Assistant Commandant for Operations (G-O) at the end of each
fiscal year with the results of previous years action plan and the action plan for the
upcoming year to maintain the viability of the program.
c. Chief, Office of Boat Forces will facilitate the Surf Operations and Surfman Training Advisory
Group (SOSTAG), to ensure that the special requirements of the surfman community are
recognized and to ensure program leadership and management are continually linked to field
realities. Commandant (G-OCS) shall fund travel associated with SOSTAG meetings. SOSTAG
shall meet semi-annually or more frequently as necessary.
(a) Review SMP initiatives and MLB training/operating doctrine and policies.
Identify Surfman/MLB problems and make recommendations to resolve them; provide
or update actionable items for the upcoming SMP action plan.
(c) Serve as an advocate/communications conduit between the field and policy makers.
(d) Review MLB/surf related MISHAP trends and advise Commandant on corrective