Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16114.20
(3) Small Response Assets:
Boat Class
aluminum hulled boat with installed pneumatic sponsons)
Rigid Inflatable Boat, Light (RIBL -
13' -
15' 11" fiberglass or
aluminum hulled with installed pneumatic sponsons)
Utility Boat, Light (UTL - 15' - 24' 11" open or closed construction,
fiberglass or aluminum hulled boat which may have fendering, and has
installed electronics and engines)
Boat Class Description: Also varying in capability, these boats are
designed to operate in light to moderate weather and sea conditions
(typically up to 4' seas and 20 kt winds) where speed and
maneuverability is needed. They are used primarily as a unit's
secondary response boat.
(4) Punts and Skiffs:
Boat Class
Flood Relief Punt (FR - trailered 12'-16' open construction boat used
for flood rescue ops)
Skiff, Ice (SKI - trailered 14' open construction boat used for ice rescue
Work Punt (WP - trailerable, open construction boat less than 18'
without installed electronics used for unit tendering, waterborne
maintenance, and immediate vicinity SAR response)
Boat Class Description: These open-construction boats have little to no
electronic equipment installed, and are usually stored on trailers. They
are included here because of the special SAR mission FR and SKI boats
perform. WPs should not be considered SAR resources although, their
use is sometime necessary for immediate vicinity SAR response (e.g.,
directly adjacent to the unit, in shallow flats, or as deployed from larger
boats where required). WP boat allowances are normally approved for
the sole purpose of unit support missions such as tendering and
waterborne maintenance.