Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
This Performance Plan illustrates the broad
range of services the Coast Guard provides
to the American public. These directly
enhance the national interest by improving
economic trade and vitality, protecting the
environment and natural resources, ensuring
safe and efficient maritime transportation,
and maintaining law and order. The Coast
Guard's unique, multi-mission capabilities
are characterized by its motto, "Semper
Paratus - Always Ready". Highly flexible,
the Coast Guard routinely responds to a
variety of national emergencies: natural
disasters such as floods or hurricanes;
transportation incidents such as airline or
rail crashes; environmental disasters like oil
spills, and national defense crises around the
world. Yet everyday, its capital equipment
and personnel are productively employed in
delivering routine services to the public.
U.S. taxpayers receive a double benefit: an
effective defense force and crisis-response
provider, as well as a cost-effective service
vital services in its daily operations.
This performance plan establishes what the
Coast Guard intends to achieve with the
funding levels in the FY2000 budget. The
plan describes the linkage between our
mission, strategic goals, performance goals,
strategies/activities, and budget request.
The United States Coast Guard is a multimissioned maritime service and one
of the Nation's five Armed Forces.
Our mission is to protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic
interests - in our ports and waterways, along our nation's coast, on
international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support
national security.
Strategic Goals
The Coast Guard has established a general goal for each of its major
outcome areas:
Safety: Eliminate deaths, injuries, and property damage associated with
maritime transportation, fishing, and recreational boating.
Protection of Natural Resources: Eliminate environmental damage and
natural resource degradation associated with maritime transportation,
fishing, and recreational boating.
Mobility: Facilitate maritime commerce and eliminate interruptions and
impediments to the economical movement of goods and people, while
maximizing recreational access to and enjoyment of the water.
Maritime Security: Protect our maritime borders from all intrusions by
halting the flow of illegal drugs, aliens, and contraband into this
country through maritime routes; preventing illegal fishing; and
suppressing violations of federal law in the maritime region.
National Defense: Defend the nation as one of the five U.S. Armed Forces.
utilizing our unique and relevant maritime capabilities