Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
The Coast Guard is working with the Maritime Association Port of NY/NJ
to sponsor a Year 2000 conference geared to the maritime industry.
Initial Y2K assessments on ships and oil platforms, and with port
operations facilities indicate failures will occur unless this issue is
properly addressed.
Chief Financial Officers Audit: The Coast Guard is committed to obtaining
an unqualified "clean" opinion on its FY99 Chief Financial Officers Act
audit of its financial statements. This requires that the Coast Guard
resolve material weaknesses primarily in management, documentation,
capitalization, and tracking of assets as identified in its FY96 financial
statements audit. Additionally, the Coast Guard needs to develop
integrated financial systems to allow subsidiary ledgers to reconcile to
its general ledger. To achieve a "clean" opinion over the next 18 months
the Coast Guard is:
Defining and establishing capitalization policy for all asset classes.
Establishing a centralized asset database at its Finance Center using
commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications (ORACLE Assets.)
Moving to centralized bill paying and financial documentation at its
Finance Center.
Instituting COTS (ORACLE Financials suite and ORACLE Project &
Inventory.) applications to improve and integrate financial systems and
Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA): The Coast Guard
maintains an active program for ensuring that the objectives of FMFIA are
being met. No major discrepancies were noted in the FY97 FMFIA Year-End
Assurance Statement.
GAO Reports:
The Coast Guard seeks to improve its management and
through taking corrective actions in response to GAO audits
and reports.
The Coast Guard is moving toward completion of corrective
action on two
GAO audits:
"Additional Actions Needed to Improve Cruise Ship Safety" - Develop a
cruise ship safety program component of the Marine Safety Network in
order to consistently document and analyze the results of cruise ship
safety examinations. The Coast Guard is developing a module within the
Marine Safety Information System (MSIS) to capture this data. The
module should be released with the next update to MSIS in FY98. In the
interim, a preliminary system has been implemented.
"Management of the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Program
Needs Strengthening" - Continue efforts to acquire a management
information system for the Research and Development (R&D) Center that
will provide accurate and timely information for program decision
making. The Coast Guard is implementing the R&D Management Information
System (RADMIS) which will include project management, and document
tracking tools. The system should be fully functioning in FY99.