b. Enforcement Philosophy. NOS's sanctuary management philosophy is based primarily upon an
educational approach. Their objective is to foster voluntary compliance by those who use the
Nation's marine sanctuaries, and to promote a feeling of stewardship toward the various living and
cultural resources these sanctuaries were created to protect. The Coast Guard supports this
philosophy. Nevertheless, sanctuaries require routine presence of law enforcement resources to
deter and detect violations.
c. Sanctuary Management Plans. Each marine sanctuary is unique and is managed and regulated by
NOS with regard to its location and the specific nature of, and threats to, its resources. Individual
sanctuary management plans establish the framework to achieve long term resource protection by
tailoring management programs to the needs of the particular site.
a. Effective coordination of waterways management issues, marine environmental protection issues,
and the enforcement of sanctuary regulations are important components of the National Marine
Sanctuary Program. To that end, the Coast Guard will work closely with NOS to ensure the
comprehensive and coordinated conservation and management of these special areas of the marine
environment. Particularly, the Coast Guard will work with NOS to ensure its enforcement efforts
complement those of other Federal, state and local agencies.
b. The Coast Guard will actively participate at all levels with NOS and other Federal, state and local
agencies in evaluating proposals for new sanctuaries, developing management plans and regulations
for designated sanctuaries, and coordinating Coast Guard operations within sanctuary boundaries.
The Coast Guard's early involvement in the development stage of management plans is particularly
important to effectively integrating Coast Guard programs within the sanctuaries.
c. The Coast Guard will assist NOS in its efforts to educate the boating public with regard to marine
sanctuary regulations by involving the Coast Guard Auxiliary. By incorporating information
provided by NOS on the sanctuary program, the Auxiliary can significantly contribute to the goal of
enhancing public awareness of sanctuary regulations and promoting public stewardship of these
unique national resources.
d. Area commanders shall:
(1) Designate an appropriate office to coordinate area and district participation in the National
Marine Sanctuary Program.
(2) Ensure units under their command properly document marine sanctuary enforcement efforts per
reference (a).