to Coast Guard activities, occurring or located on such excluded lands, that impact
coastal zone resources outside those lands. Coastal zones vary greatly from state to
state, so it is critical for Coast Guard planners and other program personnel to be
aware of the individual State coastal zone definitions because they describe the areas
within which the impacts of Coast Guard activities must be compliant with the State
d. "Coastal effects" or effect on any coastal use or resource means any reasonably
foreseeable effect on any coastal use or resource resulting from a federal action.
Effects are not just environmental effects, but include both direct and indirect effects
on coastal uses. Direct effects result from the activity and occur at the same time and
place as the activity, and indirect (cumulative and secondary) effects result from the
activity and are later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably
foreseeable. Indirect effects are also effects that result from the incremental impact of
the federal action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
actions, regardless of what person(s) undertake(s) such actions.
e. "Interstate coastal effects" means any reasonably foreseeable effect resulting from a
federal action occurring in one State of the United States on any coastal use or
resource of another State that has a federally approved management program.
f. "Associated facilities" means all proposed facilities which are specifically designed,
located, constructed, operated, adapted, or otherwise used, in full or in major part, to
meet the needs of a federal action (e.g., Coast Guard activity, development project,
license, permit, or assistance), and without which the activity, as proposed, could not
be conducted.
g. "Coastal use or resource" means any land or water use or natural resource of the
coastal zone and any use of these resources described in a State's coastal zone
management program. Land and water uses, or coastal uses include, but are not
limited to, public access, recreation, fishing, historic or cultural preservation,
development, hazards management, marinas and floodplain management, scenic and
aesthetic enjoyment, and resource creations or restoration projects. Natural resources
include biological or physical resources that are found within a State's coastal zone on
a regular or cyclical basis. Biological and physical resources include, but are not
limited to, air, tidal and non-tidal wetlands, ocean waters, estuaries, rivers, streams,
lakes, aquifers, submerged aquatic vegetation, land, plants, trees, minerals, fish,
shellfish, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, mammals, reptiles, and coastal resources
of national significance. Coastal uses and resources also include uses and resources
appropriately described in a management program.
h. "Coastal Zone Management Program" is the State's coastal program approved by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) pursuant to Section 306
of the CZMA which includes, but is not limited to, a comprehensive statement in
words, maps, illustrations, or other media of communication, prepared and adopted by
the State, that sets forth its objectives, policies and standards to guide public and
private uses of lands and waters and resources within its coastal zone.