Appendix G
Clark, Ruth Colvin - (1989) Developing Technical Training, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Co. Inc., (ISBN 0-201-14967-2)
Dills, C.R., and Romiszowski - (1994) Instructional Development: State of the Art,
Educational Technologies, Englewood Cliff, NJ.
Gagne, Robert M. - (1987) Instructional Technologies Foundations, Lawrence Erlbaum
Assoc., Hillsdale, NJ., (ISBN 0-89859-626-2 and 0-89859-8 78-8 (pbk))
Gery, Gloria J. - (1991) Electronic Performance Support Systems, Gery Performance
Press, Gerry Assoc., 108 South Trail Tolland, MA, 01034-9403, (403)
258-4693, (ISBN 9617966-1-2)
Gery, Gloria J. - (1991) Making CBT Happen, Ziff Communications Company, Ziff
Institute, 25 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02141, (ISBN 0-9617968-0-4)
Johanssen, David H. - (1988) Instructional Designs for Microcomputer Courseware,
Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Inc., 365 Broadway, Hillsdale, NJ, 07642
(ISBN 0-89859-813-3 or 0-8058-0086-7 (pbk))
Kearsey, Greg - (1982) Costs, Benefits, and Productivity in Training Systems, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co. Inc., (ISBN 0-201-10332-X)
Piskurich, George M. - (1993) The ASTD Handbook of Instructional Technology,
McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, (ISBN 0-07-001531-7)
Tessmer, Martin - (1994) Formative Evaluations Alternatives, article in Performance
Improvement Quarterly Volume 7/Number 1, 1994, Learning Systems
Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the
Society for Performance & Instruction
Zielinski, Robert S. - (1996) Special Edition Using Macromedia Authorware 3.5, Que
Corporation, 201 W. 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46290, 1-800-428-
5331, (ISBN 0-7897-0791-8)
Appendix G