This style guide was prepared to help Interactive Courseware (ICW)
designers and developers determine strategies, conventions, and
standards. This style guide can also be used when communicating
specific ICW design and development requirements (e.g., design
conventions, evaluation of deliverables) to contractors. The information
provided in this style guide should be used only as a tool in the design
and development of ICW. Due to the dynamic nature of ICW
development, you may need to alter, change, or modify the guidance
you find in the style guide to accommodate customer requirements or a
specific project requirement. Checklists and flowcharts are not hard and
fast performance blueprints. Rather, they are offered to help you
document and complete ICW projects.
Note: This style guide should only be used after the decision to develop
ICW has already been made via front-end analysis.
This style guide is a "living" document that will become more exact and
Living Document
detailed through application and feedback. With each revision, less work
effort will be required to make decisions concerning ICW conventions
and standards. Additionally, ICW is still an evolving training media and
Coast Guard training should benefit from any new developments. You
are strongly encouraged to provide feedback regarding the guide. Tell us
where the weak areas or gaps are! Send your comments,
recommendations, additions/deletions, and data related to this guide by
e-mail or the enclosed recommendation form to: PTC, RTC Yorktown/e-
mail address).
Guidance provided in this document is not intended to supplement or
duplicate policies and procedures in other applicable directives,
regulations or doctrines. Please inform PTC of any conflicts you
Official policy for USCG Development and Management of Interactive
Courseware is found in COMDTINST 1554.1 (series)