Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1543.3
301 Lookout and\or Crewman
301.1. Complete all tasks contained in 100 FUNDEMENTALS and 200 SYSTEM.
.2. Gain a minimum total of four hours wearing the device in a non-operational setting.
Task can be performed on land or underway and may include time spent completing task
(Signature and Date)
.3. Perform the following tasks from the Boat Manual (reference c.) while wearing night
a. TASK BCM-04-08-ANY, Stand a Lookout Watch
b. TASK BCM-07-01-TYPE, Participate in a Man Overboard Evolution as a Pointer
(Signature and Date)
302 Helmsmen\Coxswain
CAUTION! : Depth perception is skewed and field of view is decreased
when wearing night vision.
302.1. Complete all requirements in sections 100, 200 and 301 Lookout and\or Crewmen.
.2. Complete the following tasks from the BOAT Manual (reference c).
a. TASK BCM-04-09-TYPE, Act as a helmsman and steer a compass course
(Signature and Date)
b. TASK COX-03-12-TYPE, Get the boat away from a pier
(Signature and Date)