success depends upon the dedication and abilities of its people. Enclosure (1) is an
illustrated definition of training, education and development and how these individual
elements work together as a system.
The Coast Guard recognizes that each person contributes to the organization's success
through dedicated job performance. The Coast Guard also wants its people to reach
their full potential in Job performance. Yet, despite the excellence of its work force,
some job performance problems will continue to occur. To identify the root causes of
these problems and develop appropriate solutions, Job performance and Job
requirements must be analyzed together using a systematic process. Enclosure (2)
illustrates such a process.
Job performance problems usually have several root causes from more than one
influence. These influences include the following three primary groups as illustrated in
enclosure (3): conditions/ergonomics, skills/knowledge, and incentives/motivation.
Most performance problems can only be corrected through a combination of solutions
which address all Job performance influences. Enclosure (4) illustrates typical solutions
to performance problems.
To actualize the training, education, and development philosophy, the Coast Guard, as
an organization, shall:
Within budgetary constraints, provide its people with a balance of personal,
professional, team, and technical training, education, and development
opportunities that are essential to the accomplishment of all assigned missions.
Focus on continuous improvement of Job performance. Use a systematic process
to identify the root causes of Job performance problems, address all performance
influences, and develop appropriate solutions.
Use measures of effectiveness to assess all policies, standards, procedures, and
resource utilization in order to maximize the value of its training, education, and
development investment and to support the Coast Guard's commitment to
excellence and continuous improvement.
Under the general direction of the Chief, Office of Personnel and Training, the Chief,
Training and Performance Improvement Division shall: