COMDTINST 13020.2A 9
NOV 1995
Individuals desiring to serve on ATTAC should submit applications to Commandant (G-
EAE) via the Commanding Officer by 1 June of each year. A selection panel will be
held in July to fill vacancies on ATTAC. Recommendations by the selection panel will
be forwarded to Commandant (G-EAE) for appointment in writing.
The following, or their representatives, are permanent, nonvoting members:
Commandant (G-EAE); Commandant (G-PTP); Commander, Military Personnel
Command (MPC-epm), Aviation Training Quota Manager, and ATTC.
Each air unit Leading Chief Petty Officer is designated as an adjunct member of
ATTAC. Up to two adjunct members will attend the semiannual meetings at the
discretion of the ATTAC Coordinator and Chairperson.
Other interested personnel may be requested to attend specific meetings at the discretion
of the ATTAC Coordinator and Chairperson.
MEETINGS. ATTAC will meet twice a year at either ATTC, or Coast Guard Headquarters as
desired. Additional meetings may be called by the ATTAC Coordinator or Chairperson.
Meetings at ATTC will be coordinated between Commandant (G-EAE), Commandant (G-
PTP), and Commanding Officer, ATTC, and will normally be for a three day period with
specific dates to accommodate the operational commitments of the ATTAC members.
Meetings at Coast Guard Headquarters, if required, will normally be for a two day period
following meetings at ATTC. The names of ATTAC members and meeting dates will be
published via ALDIST, early enough to permit interested personnel to address
communications to ATTAC prior to scheduled meetings. Costs incidental to ATTAC will be
funded by Commandant (G-EAE) with prior approval.
REPORTS. A detailed semiannual report, including the minutes of the ATTAC meeting will
be furnished to Commandant (G-EAE), (RCN-13020-1 applies), copy to Commandant (G-
PTP) and Commanding Officer, ATTC within 30 days of meeting adjournment date. Chief,
Aeronautical Engineering Division (G-EAE) will make a report of ATTAC activities to Chief,
Office of Engineering, Logistics and Development (G-E) and provide input to Chief
Performance Systems Division (G-PTP).
Chief, Office of Engineering,
Logistics and Development
Encl: (1) ATTAC Organization