COMDTINST 12713.20
b. The four critical areas in the employee selection process are:
(1) Civil Rights Officers providing selecting officials with specific information on
underrepresentation by series, grade and occupational category, based on the local or
national civilian labor force data;
(2) Servicing civilian personnel officials providing selecting officials with "certificates of
eligibles" which include minorities and women in accordance with the guidance in
reference (b);
(3) Selecting officials assuring that all applicable personnel policies and procedures are
followed in the recruitment and selection process, and that all selection decisions are
legally sound (e.g., that the selecting official can articulate and produce evidence of
legitimate nondiscriminatory reasons for his/her selection decision(s)); and
(4) Military or civilian supervisors evaluating subordinate managers' and supervisors'
(selecting officials') demonstrated performance in diversity precepts as they apply to
equal employment opportunity concepts and efforts to comply with the AEP guidance
outlined in reference (a).
c. In those instances where women and minorities generally are not appearing on certificates
for consideration, the servicing Civilian Personnel Office should be contacted by
unit selecting officials to develop proactive recruiting strategies to target underrepresented
groups. The process of using unit Affirmative Employment Program goals as one of the
factors in employee selection is an appropriate remedial step in the elimination of work
force imbalances.