12 JUN 1989
It is Coast Guard policy to pay the special reimbursable compensation prescribed by this
instruction to employees who perform overtime services in connection with their regular duties
in carrying out commercial vessel documentation and marine inspection functions, for the
convenience of and upon request by private parties.
Reimbursable overtime service will be furnished to an applicant only if the service is requested
in advance in order to avoid the payment of special overtime when extremely small amounts of
time are involved.
No special overtime compensation shall be paid for work which is pending at the beginning of the
night and can be completed in less than 1 hour. It is expected that managers will be able to
adjust work assignments to address these small increments of work.
Recreational yacht documentation for private vessels of the general public is a distinct category
of documentation separate from the commercial vessel functions of concern in this instruction.
The Coast Guard's Operating Expense (OE) appropriation specifies that no funding provided to
the Coast Guard in the OE appropriation shall be available for expenses incurred for recreational
yacht documentation. The overtime rates discussed in this instruction apply to commercial
vessels only and not yacht documentation.
PROCEDURES. In order to permit the functional grouping of procedural instructions dealing with the
various phases of the special overtime compensation provided herein, appropriate procedures are set
forth in enclosures as listed below:
Enclosure (1) contains information and instructions relating to special overtime service; the rates
of compensation and how they are to be applied; and procedures for requesting and authorizing
the overtime service.
Enclosure (2) provides procedures for reporting special overtime service performed; payroll
procedures; billing the parties of interest; and the collection and disposition of monies for the
overtime service provided.
OVERTIME AUTHORIZATION CEILINGS. Overtime funds under the OG-08 are controlled by
COMDTINST 12550.4 (series), Management of Civilian Overtime, under Title 5. Payment under 46
USC 2111 may be limited by the size of the district's overtime account. Should district funding of the
special overtime cease to be available, documentation officers and marine inspectors may request
Commandant (G-MVI) to seek additional funding from program sources. Requests will be evaluated
on a case by case basis.